TDWI Executive Program:
Data Literacy

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Check out a session from the
#TDWIExecProgram expert speaker, Steve Tadeo.

TDWI Executive Programs offer an exclusive gathering of experienced professionals, industry thought leaders, and top solution providers to share expert guidance and best practices for establishing a data literacy program for your business.

Data Literacy: The Language of Business (with Audience Q&A)

Data literacy is the language of business, but unfortunately not everyone in an organization can utilize and leverage data to create business value. Developing data literacy is not only about building data skills but also about changing perspectives. By learning to view daily operations from a data perspective, people can discover new opportunities, drive innovation, and create a data-driven decision-making environment. In this session, Nokia’s Steve Tadeo will discuss how to implement a data literacy initiative addressing changes to mindset, talent, and practice—what we think, what we know, and what we do.

Estimated viewing time: 36 minutes

Steve Tadeo joined Nokia (Lucent) in 1999 as a sales training instructor, developing and delivering content in a variety of areas including account and opportunity management, negotiation, finance, and presentation skills. From general sales training, Steve transitioned to technical sales learning and business development. Since 2016, Steve has focused exclusively on data training, data analytics, data science, and most recently, data literacy.

In 2020, Steve developed and launched Nokia’s data literacy blended learning program which focuses on the development and application of data skills. In 2022, to help drive Nokia’s data-driven decision-making mindset, Steve launched Nokia’s Data Literacy Conference series, where Nokia data advocates along with external industry experts share experiences and promote the advancement of data strategies to change the way data is perceived and applied.

Steve holds a Mechanical Engineering degree from the University of Bridgeport and an MBA from Virginia Polytechnical Institute.